Equine Sports Massage
Equine Sports Massage: Enhancing Performance and Well-Being for Your Horse
Whether your equine companion is a competitive athlete, a happy hacker, or a family pony, all horses and ponies can benefit from regular sports massage treatments. Whether it's for maintenance, rehabilitation, performance enhancement, or simply a well-deserved treat, sports massage offers numerous benefits for equine health.
Understanding Your Horse’s Needs
Unlike humans, horses cannot specifically point to where they experience pain. Instead, they communicate discomfort through changes in their behaviour and movement patterns.
Common Symptoms That May Indicate the Need for Treatment:​
Reluctance to move forward
Shortened stride
Irregular gait
Reduced performance
Asymmetric muscle development
Lameness from overuse, strain, sprain, or fatigue
Disunited canter
Extreme behaviours (bucking, bolting, rushing fences, rearing)
Reluctance to engage hindquarters
Restricted range of movement
General stiffness
However, these symptoms are general in nature. Some horses may show no obvious signs of discomfort, but regular check-ups are recommended to ensure their ongoing well-being.
What to Expect During a Session
On the initial visit, a comprehensive consultation will be conducted to gather relevant information about your horse's history, including details on when your horse was last visited by the farrier, saddler, and dentist, as well as any previous injuries, illnesses, or behavioural concerns. A static and dynamic assessment will follow, which may include observing your horse while walking and trotting, and possibly lunging or riding if needed.
During the treatment, a range of techniques will be used to target areas of tension, promoting relaxation and improving your horse’s comfort, which in turn aids in performance and biomechanical efficiency.
After the session, an aftercare plan will be provided, which may include recommended stretches, mobilisations, and exercises to help your horse maximize the benefits of the treatment.
Horse & Rider Harmony
For optimal performance, it is important that both you and your horse are in harmony. Discomfort in either the horse or rider can affect the partnership, as restrictions or tightness in one often reflects in the other. To address this, I offer horse and rider treatments, where both the horse and rider can be assessed, and a comprehensive treatment plan can be created for both.
Booking an Appointment
Equine appointments are arranged directly due to travel considerations. Please contact me to book a session for your horse.​